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Vol. 128 (2017): Nasza Przeszłość


Judges and prosecutors. Members of court committes investigation the Western Pomaranian - Brandenburgian coflict at the turn of the 15th and 16th century concerning the state affiliation of Granowo in Choszczno region

  • Grzegorz Jacek Brzustowicz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2017-12-30


The conflict concerning the state affiliation of Granowo in Choszczno region occurred at the turn of the 15th and 16th century between Western Pomerania and Brandenburg. The aim of the article is to identify church judges in this case on the basis of remaining case files. (w tym miejscu niezbyt zrozumiałe zdanie, przetłumaczone poniżej – proponuję pominąć) Genealogical research has proved that many of the judges had relatives living in the area of Granowo, both on Pomernian and Neumark side. The Pomeranian party designated a more numerous and stronger panel of judges. They were church law experts and – at the same time - the closest associates of Duke Bogislaw X and the Bishop of Kamień. The Pomeranian Duke was represented by the Bishop of Kamień Marcin Karith, on whose behalf two church prosecutors were appointed: Jan Szwane, the Canon of Kamień and the court secretary of the Duke as well as Andreas Becker, conventual councillor and a doctor of law. Other Pomeranian churchmen constituting the panel were: Johann Otto, the vicar of Szczecin (Stettin) and a doctor of law, the Archdeacon of Pyrzyce and Słupsk (Stolp) and the prelate Kaspar von Güntersberg. The sources specify two Pomeranian court reporters: Jurgen Angelk-en, the Bishop’s of Kamień scribe and Konrad von Kremptzow, the scribe of the collegiate church of Kamień and the secretary of Duke Bogislaw. The Margrave of Brandenburg was represented by Jerzy von Schlaberendorf, the Master of the Brandenburg and Pomeranian Order of St. John as well as barristers Michael Ukerow and Benedict von Sydow the Older. Despite the fact that the Branden-burg party had a less numerous panel, they won the case, which ended with the recognition of Granowo’s affiliation to Neumark.


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