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Vol. 31 (1969): Our Past


Who is the author of the 'New Gigantomachia'? The distorted diary of Father Kordecki

  • Eugeniusz Jelonek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1969-12-30


The subject of this article is an analysis of the literary work entitled "The New Gigantomachia". It stresses that there is a clear difference between individual parts of the text, such as the title page and the description of the siege of Jasna Góra in 1655. The work was originally attributed to Father Augustyn Kordecki. The following section recalled the figure of Stefan Damalevich, who was a well-known polemicist and historian. It was pointed out that his writing style and rhetoric were similar to the content of the 'New Gigantomachia'. The author of the article suggests that Stefan Damalevich may have made changes to the 1655 text, distorting the historical truth and falsifying some events (such as the movements and violence of the nobility). Finally, it is pointed out that Father Augustyn Kordecki was a true defender of Jasna Góra, considered a hero of Poland, despite the controversy over the authorship of the Nowa Gigantomachia.


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