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Vol. 119 (2013): Our Past


The oldest foundations for Canons Regular of the Penitence in the diocese of Vilnius

  • Tadeusz M. Trajdos
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2013-06-30


The article is devoted to the prepositure of the order of Canons Regular of the Penitence, called “Marki” (“the Marks”) in Poland and “White Augustians” in Lithu¬ania, in the town of Bystrzyca in the Diocese of Vilnius. The monastery, together with the church of the Holy Cross was founded in 1390 by the King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Lithuania, Władysław II Jagiełło (Vladislaus II Jagiełło). The article also discusses the Medieval history of the Holy Trinity parish in Miedniki, incorpo¬rated by the order of Jagiełło to the abovementioned monastery in 1391. Until the second half of the 15th century those were the only Catholic monasteries - apart from a few Fransiscan monasteries and one Benedictine Abbey - in the large area of the Diocese of Vilnius. The article describes the conditions and circumstances of the foundation, the type of the endowment, missionary and pastoral tasks of the monks brought from Cracow, the structure of the convent of the prepositure on the background of the monastery’s structure, its cult profile, the phenomenon of the monastic calling of Michal Giedrojc. The article analyses in detail the crisis in the Bystrzvca Convent and Miedniki parish in the first quarter of the 16th centurv. The shocking moral and social misdemeanours revealed at that time as well as criminal deeds caused the decision of king Zygmunt I Stary (Sigismund I the Old) on the initiative of the Vilnius bishop of the prepositure’s dissolution in 1526. In 1528 the parish of Miedniki was also expropriated from the monastery. As the consequence of agreement reached in 1540 the parish was returned to 'lire Marks”, but they never regained Bystrzvca. The parish with an enlarged endowment was transferred to the newly founded suffragany of the Diocese of Vilnius. The king provided for the continuity of the pastoral ministry and the functioning of school and almshouse. The suffragans took care of the Bystrzyca parish, as they received a large income from its property, the so called Bystrzyca Fund. The article also presents changes in the decoration and furnishing of the church. “The Bystrzyca Fund” was literally tom apart by greedy neighbours from the Polish gentry at the end of the 18th century, both in the Polish times (until 1795) and under the Russian partition. At the end of the century the rest of the property was taken from the Vilnius suffragany. An ordinary poor parish was left in Bystrzyca. After the January Uprising the Russian authorities closed the parish down and turned the church into a Russian Orthodox one in 1865. At the beginnings of the independent Poland in 1919 the parishioners regained their church and parish which has existed until the present day, although not within the borders of its own country since 1939.


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