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Vol. 117 (2012): Our Past


Parochial school system in Zamagurze Spiskie (the half of the 17th and the third quarter of the 18th century)

  • Tadeusz M. Trajdos
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2012-06-30


Teachers in the Zamagurze region in the period in question struggled with poverty. Schools were poor and often went up in flames. However, with no break, the schools taught alphabet, rudimentary Latin, catechism and singing. These efforts were under-taken by modestly educated teachers of peasant origin, praised for their scrupulousness and diligence. The local peasants – Spisz highlanders – deserved real credit for the upkeep of rural schools. They wanted to educate their sons at least in the rudiments. They donated crops from their poor land, provided hay and wood. They even donated their ploughlands, so that teachers could stay in their village. Vicars did not disregard the teachers’ material needs but not even one school in the Zamagurze region would have survived for a longer time without the parishioners’ help. Instead, priests took care of the teaching content, chose appropriate teachers and controlled their work. The landowners, however, exhibited total indifference towards “peasant schools”. Catholic nobility took care only of churches and parish chapels. Landlords preferred to see their subjects at work than at school. When looking at the comprehensive picture of the school system “for the people” in the 17th – 18th century it can easily be seen that – although lame – it was successful. Boys from peasant families were given the rudiments of education. The more talented ones – supported by vicars and teachers - sought place on the benches of the Piarist College in Podoliniec (opened in 1642). Some even reached the more distant colleges of Hungary or Poland.


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