Wawrzyniec of Rostworów, born in 1614, came from Rostworów, the Żydowo parish near Poznań. He was the son of Jakub, castellan of Przemęt, and Elżbieta Opalińska of Bnin. After his father's death, he was left under the care of his maternal uncle, Łukasz Opaliński, Grand Marshal of the Crown. He inherited many estates from his father, including Rostworów. Thanks to his uncle's protection, he entered the royal court, where he began studies at the University of Padua in 1633. There he was elected councilor of the Polish nation, which was commemorated on the Illuminati in the student registers. After returning to Poland in 1636, his legal education brought him recognition. He was elected an MP from the Kalisz Voivodeship and took part in the Sejm. In 1641, he married Anna Leśniowolska née Obory, which was described in the wedding prenuptial agreement. He was politically and economically active, holding offices and leasing properties. In 1645, he signed a contract with his uncle Łukasz Opaliński, securing Anna's dowry. He died in 1653, and his wife Anna inherited many of his estates.
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