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Vol. 123 (2015): Our Past


Cult of saints in Nowy Sącz in the middle ages

  • Ewelina Kazienko
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2015-06-30


Cult of saints had a considerable influence on the religious life of the residents of medieval Nowy Sącz, who entrusted the saints with their daily concerns in prayers. They strongly believed in the care and causative prayer for graces in the face of God. A special worship was granted to Margaret of Antioch, whose cult developed already in the pre-location period (before 1292). We can also confirm the existence of summons to the Holy Spirit, which still functions today at the former Premonstratensian church. The expression of the cult pertaining directly to God was the Holy Trinity altaria founded in the 15th century. Among the saints worshipped in the Middle Ages in Nowy Sącz were St. Adalbert B.M., St. Nicholas, St. Valentine, St. Roch and St. Helena. It is worth men-tioning that the Marian cult spreading at that time and the cult of the Holy Cross can be merited to the activity of the Franciscans and Norbertines. Nowy Sącz as a town gained in significance thanks to the possession of the relics (a body fragment of one of St. Ursula’s companions and a fragment of the Holy Cross).


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