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Vol. 20 (1964): Our Past


Studia jezuitów polskich w Akademii Krakowskiej w XVI w.,

  • Jan Poplatek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1964-12-30


The first generation of Polish Jesuits consisted mainly of former students, bachelors and active magistrates of the University of Cracow. Among them were Piotr Skarga, Jakub Wujek, Stanisław Grodzicki, among the active magistrates Benedykt Herbest, Gabriel of Szadek and Marcin of Ujazd. The article tries to gather information about the course of studies of the members of the Order in the 16th century. On the basis of manuscript sources, an attempt is made to reconstruct the cultural influence of the Krakow Academy on
on the Polish Jesuits in the sixteenth century. During the entire sixteenth century, 54 Krakow academics entered the Jesuit Order. After statistical summaries, the study presents short biographies of the Jesuits who studied at the Krakow Academy.


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