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Vol. 23 (1966): Our Past


Results of the archaeological and architectural research so far in the church of St. Swire in Tropiu nad Dunajcem

  • Stanisław Kozieł
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1966-06-30


Between 1958 and 1965, and in particular in 1958, 1963 and 1965, three series of archaeological-architectural works were carried out with the aim of studying the oldest architectural elements of the church of Tropio, as well as the settlement background of the area. Despite the fact that each series of works was small in scale, the successive implementation of the research postulates resulted in a significant contribution to supplementing the scarce written sources, thus allowing a more complete reconstruction of the outline of the oldest settlement and stone building in the Dunajec valley. In this article they have been made available to a wider public.


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