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Vol. 63 (1985): Our Past


A dispute over theology textbooks in the Free City of Krakow

  • Jan Kracik
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1985-06-30


In 1821, the Commission for Religion and Public Enlightenment of the Kingdom of Poland disseminated a project to reform theological studies in seminaries, combined with the selection of appropriate textbooks. In Krakow, Vincentians responsible for the seminary and the Faculty of Theology expressed their opinion on this project. In 1823 they were again consulted regarding the textbooks used. All these proposals and opinions, supported by didactic comments, help to highlight the clash of two trends: open and conservative. The first one, represented by the rulers, undoubtedly contained Josephist tendencies that were harmful to the Church and maintained in Warsaw. Wanting to strengthen his throne in the face of liberation movements emerging in Europe, the tsar decided to use religion and, by freeing it from power, to expand the independence of the Church.


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