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Vol. 86 (1996): Our Past


The conference on the occasion of the presentation of the first volume of documents from Achille Ratti's nunciature in Poland (1918-1921)

  • Krzysztof Strzałka
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1996-12-30


The international conference organized in Rome on March 4, 1996 under the patronage of the Polish Embassy at the Holy See and the Institute of Culture was devoted to the presentation of the first volume of documents from Achille Ratti's nunciature in Poland. It was attended by numerous guests, including Cardinals Luigi Poggi and Paul Paupard, Archbishop Józef Kowalczyk and scientists. The conference was opened by Ambassador Stefan Frankiewicz, who emphasized the importance of Ratti's activities for the history of Polish Catholicism. Prof. Gabriele De Rosa, director of the Luigi Sturzo Institute, presented an introductory speech, discussing Ratti's activity as apostolic visitator in Poland in the years 1918-1921. Then, the history of research on the apostolic nunciature in Poland and the publishing program of the published sources were presented. Prof. Jan Kopiec talked about the history of the permanent representation of the Holy See in Poland, while prof. Jerzy Wyrozumski discussed the current efforts to publish the acts of apostolic nunciatures in Poland. The last paper was presented by prof. Piotr Biel on the first five volumes of the Acta Nuntiaturae Poloniae series. The next group of papers concerned Poland's contacts with the Holy See throughout history and the activities of Nuncio Achille Ratti. The last lecture was delivered by prof. Alberto Monticone on the political concepts of the Holy See towards the rebirth of the Polish State. The conference ended with the director of the Institute of Polish Culture in Rome, Elżbieta Jogalla.


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