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Vol. 101 (2004): Our Past


The contribution of Fr. Adalbert Maria Baudiss SJ to the reform of the Order of St Basil the Great

  • Stanisław Cieślak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2004-06-30


In the apostolic letter Singulare praesidium of May 12, 1882, Pope Leo XIII entrusted the Polish Jesuits from Galicia with the task of reforming the Order of St. The success of the reform was largely due to Wojciech Maria Baudiss SJ (1842-1926). He played a key role in implementing the reform, holding managerial positions for 18 years in the Basilian monasteries in Dobromil (1884-1889, 1892-1902), Lviv (March 6 - July 1, 1886) and Lavrov (1889-1892). His works gained him a high reputation and universal respect. The positive opinion about the Dobromil Reformation, as it was called, is very well documented in numerous testimonies, documents and notes, both contemporary and prepared on the basis of the memories of members of the Basilian Order by Kazimierz Drzymała SJ in 1954, as part of preliminary research for the future beatification Father Baudiss. Analysis of the collected material shows that Baudiss encouraged the revival of old Basilian customs, and by promoting the idea of philosophical and theological studies, he helped raise a new, highly educated generation of Basilian fathers. Acting in unity with the Holy See, Basilian writers, lecturers, preachers and missionaries made significant contributions to both the Catholic Church and the Ukrainian nation. The achievements of Father Wojciech Maria Baudiss make him a leading advocate of the close union of the Greek Catholic and Roman Catholic Churches and a patron of peaceful coexistence between Poles and Ukrainians. It seems that in his opinion the Basilian Order was uniquely qualified for the mission of building bridges between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches.


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