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Vol. 67 (1987): Our Past


The spirituality of Blessed Brother Albert against the background of the Franciscan revival in Poland

  • Stanisław Smoleński
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1987-06-30


Blessed Brother Albert (Adam Chmielowski), remaining under the influence of the spirituality of Saint. John of the Cross and Saint Vincent de Paul, considered himself essentially an intermediate Franciscan and the spiritual heir of Saint. Francis of Assisi. Although a return to a more intense interior life and renewal characterized the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Franciscan monasteries throughout Poland, Brother Albert, for his part, continued his own path. Imitating Saint Francis, Brother Albert added some original touches to his spirituality. Thus, in Francis' Christocentrism, which is expressed through the mystery of the Manger, the Cross and the Eucharist, he saw above all the merciful love of Christ for every person, and above all for the abandoned and despised person. Together with Saint Francis based his entire life on the evangelical limitation of Christ, but emphasized in particular the voluntary aspect of obedience to the Will of God. For Francis, poverty was not only a path to complete freedom of spirit, but also an indispensable bridge to get closer to those most in need. In his service of merciful love for the most unfortunate, Brother Albert always tried to strengthen the affirmation of human dignity and value in the light of faith. These elements of Franciscan spirituality were transmitted not only by the Blessed, but also by the order he founded and treated by him as an important program of social renewal.


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