Review: S. K. Olczak, Parish churches in the Archdeaconate of Włocławek in the 16th-18th centuries, Lublin 2004 319-335 Rafał Kuśmierczyk
Review: Sister Małgorzata Borkowska OSB, Decree in the blue parliament. A selection of wills from the 17th and 18th centuries, Kraków 1984 263-265 Janina Bieniarzówna
Review: Soldier-priest-prefect. Fr Wojciech Kowalik, 1893-1967, a catechist of secondary schools in Myślenice. On the centenary of his birth, ed. S Kowalik, Myślenice 1993 349-354 Jan Kracik
Review: Stanisław Bylina, "Man and the afterlife. Visions of posthumous punishments in mediaeval Poland", Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of History, Warsaw 1992 365-372 Waldemar Kowalski
Review: Stanisław Jezierski, Archbishop in prison, or the conflict over mixed marriages between the Prussian government and Archbishop Marcin Dunin (1837-1841). Summary of doctoral thesis from 1955, Rome 1957 338-340 Mieczysław Żywczyński
Review: Stanisław Litak, Parishes in the Republic of Poland in the 16th-18th centuries, Lublin 2004 335-344 Paweł Staniszewski
Review: Stanisław Litak, The Latin Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in c. 1772. Administrative structures, Lublin 1996, (Religious and national communities in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the second half of the 18th century, ed. S. Litak, vol. 1); Witold Kołbuk, Eastern Churches in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in c. 1772. Administrative structures, Lublin 1998, (Religious and national communities in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the second half of the 18th century, ed. S. Litak, vol. 2) 513-519 Piotr Rychlewski
Review: Students - Sodalisi of the Jesuit gymnasium in Brunsberg (Braniewo) 1579-1623, ed. M. Inglot in cooperation with L. Grzebień, Kraków 1998 565-573 Jacek Kowalkowski
Review: Świętokrzyski Diary. Studies into the history of Christian culture Collective work edited by Longin Kaczanowski, Adam Massalski, Fr. Daniel Olszewski and Jerzy Szczepański, Kielce Scientific Society, Kielce 1991 321-327 Zenon Guldon, Jacek Wijaczka
Review: T. Kempa, Religious conflicts in Vilnius from the beginning of the Reformation to the end of the 17th century, Toruń 2016 301-307 Marceli Kosman
Review: T. Wiślich, Earning your soul's salvation. Religiousness of Lesser Poland peasants from the mid-16th century to the end of the 18th century, Warsaw 2001 459-467 Rafał Kuśmierczyk
Review: Taras Anatoly Yefimovich, The Anatomy of Hatred. Polish-Russian conflicts in the 18th-20th centuries, Minsk 2008 375-379 Paweł Przybylski
Review: Temples of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in photographs by Jan Bałzunkiewicz 447-453 Waldemar Franciszek Wilczewski
Review: Testaments of the Krakow nobility, 17th-18th centuries. A selection of source texts of the years 1650-1799, ed. A. Falniowska-Gradowska, Kraków 1997 501-508 Jan Kracik
Review: The Archives of Silesian Church History, published by Kurt Engelbert, Vol. XIII Hildesheim 1955; Vol. XIV Hildesheim 1956 345-351 Tadeusz Glemma
Review: The Archives of Silesian Church History, Vol. 50, ed. Joachim Köhler, Sigmaringen 1992 327-329 Bolesław Kumor
Review: The Archives of Silesian Church History. On behalf of the Institute for East German Church and Cultural History. Edited by Joachim Köhler. Jan Thorbecke Verlag Sigmaringen 1986 295-298 Bolesław Kumor
Review: The Archives of Silesian Church History. Vol 42. Verlag August Lax, Hildesheim 1984 293-296 Bolesław Kumor
Review: The Archives of Silesian Church History. Vol. 40. On behalf of the Institute for East German Church and Cultural History ed. by Joachim Kohler. Verlag August Lax, Hildesheim 1982 271-275 Bolesław Kumor
Review: The contribution of the Jesuits to science and culture in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and under partitions, edited by Irena Stasiewicz-Jasiukowa, Krakow-Warsaw 2004 287-293 Stanisław Cieślak
Review: The Franciscan Monastery in Woźniki. History - people - buildings, ed. Paweł Klint and Fr. Alojzy Pańczak, OFM, Woźniki 2011 227-231 Marceli Kosman
Review: The History of Christianity. Religion, Politics, Culture, Vol. 6: The Period of Ordeals (1274-1449); Vol. 8: The time of the denominations (1530-1620/30), Freiburg i. Br. 1991, 1992 355-360 Jan Kracik