A guide to the Polish American Archives at Orchard Lake. Review: Roman Nir, A catalogue of the Polish Diaspora Archives at Orchard Lake, vol. 1, Orchard Lake 1996; Roman Nir, A catalogue of the collection of Dr. Edward and Loda Różański at Orchard Lake, vol. 1, Orchard Lake 1997 513-517 Jan Kopiec
Peter Raina, The Church in the Polish People's Republic. The Catholic Church and the state in the light of documents of 1945-1989, vol. 1: years 1945-59, Poznań 1994 403-406 Roland Prejs
Problems of editing source texts from the late 19th and 20th centuries on the example of the published series of franciscan chronicles 267-290 Joanna Małocha
Review: „Postępowanie z materiałami archiwalnymi w archiwach kościelnych. Katalog dobrych praktyk”, red. ks. R. R. Kufel, A. Laszuk, Warszawa – Zielona Góra 2023, 193 ss. 225-227 Wojciech BARAN
The The Activities of the Capuchins of the Kraków Province in the Polish Lands in the Years of 1945-1970 65-136 Agnieszka Szmerek
The political activities of Archbishop Józef Teofil Teodorowicz in the period of the Second Polish Republic 115-161 Piotr Szczudłowski
The position of the Catholic Church towards the Jewish pogrom in Kielce. The state of research 411-434 Ryszard Gryz