The research objective was to experimentally verify the suitability of magneto-optical (MO) topograms for solving forensic problems with magnetic printing documents. Paper starts with presentation of necessary knowledge regarding magnetic field on the surface of an object, from which factors that affects its parameters are presented. Secondly, a method of visualization of magnetic fields and MO topography device are presented. Experimental research of objects under conditions of constant magnetization were carried out using a two-coordinate MO scanner. The given examples of research show that MO topograms of objects can be used to identify the source of magnetic printing and to detect text insertions when they have been added using another printing device, as well as to authenticate banknotes with magnetic security features. Further research was carried out under conditions of variable magnetization, which made it possible to obtain magnetic hysteresis characteristics for the specimens of interest. This research was carried out using a MO hysteresigraph. An example of the MO of the hysteresis characteristic of a counterfeit banknote is given, showing that instead of the original magnetic Low-Coercivity [LoCo] Hard ink, a foreign ink of the Semihard magnetic type was used.