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Vol. 29 (2022)


Theological interpretation of the phenomenon of „Male Rosary“

  • Tomasz Kołodziej
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-09-19


The Male Rosary initiative launched in 2018 attracts a large number of men and fits into the trend of reviving male spirituality in the Catholic Church. The event takes place regularly on the first Saturdays of the month in various cities in Poland and abroad. It is a response to the call of the Virgin Mary, who in Fatima called for the celebration of the First Five Saturdays Devotion. Only men take part in the Male Rosary initiative. This religious service has also an interesting form, which is in line with the Catholic trend. The event helps many men to deepen their faith as well as their masculine identity. This article is not a comprehensive study of this phenomenon but an attempt of theological interpretation on the basis of surveys conducted on participants of this initiative in Rzeszów and based on theological literature.


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