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Vol. 29 (2022)


The assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in Stawy of the pinsk diocese in the light of the inventory of September 18, 1930

  • Waldemar Żurek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-09-19


The town of Stawy in the Brest Voivodeship of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was already known in the mid- 15th century. In 1460 Jan and Jerzy Stawski founded the first church on their property and in the town of Stawy. The new church in Stawy was built in the first half of the 18th century, consecrated by the bishop of Lutsk in 1739 as the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Jacob the Greater the Apostle parish church in Stawy, in the deanery of Kamieniec Litewski.
In 1864 the Stawy parish was closed and the church was taken over by the Orthodox people. In 1919 it was taken back by Catholics, and the town returned to the Second Polish Republic, in the Minks diocese. In 1925 the Stawy parish was incorporated into the newly established Pinsk diocese. The presented inventory of the Stawy church was prepared by the pastor of that time, Fr. Aleksander Swerpel, and on September 18, 1930, he handed it over, together with the parish, to his successor, Fr. Leopold Mackiewicz.


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