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Vol. 30 (2023)


The Ressurection of the Christ in the pastoral teaching of Archbishop Józef Michalik

  • Rev. Radosław Zawałeń
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-10-25


Celebrating the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ is at the center of the life of the Church. Therefore, preaching the truth about the events of Easter morning seems to be the primary obligation of those who preach the Gospel today. The apostles standing before the Sanhedrin confess without hesitation: “For we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). The awareness of the resurrection in the early Church is based on the formulas of faith and the Paschal teachings of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. The very justification for the fact of resurrection is based on the empty tomb, Paschal Christophanies and the establishment of a community professing living faith in the Risen Christ. Therefore, the task of this article is to present the pastoral teaching of the Archbishop Józef Michalik, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Przemyśl in the years 1993-2016, on the resurrection of the Lord, who takes into account in his preaching the credibility of the resurrection and its importance in the Christian life.


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