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Vol. 10 (2017)


Scope of Lustration of the Co-Operative Society

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2017-12-31


The term "scope of lustration of co-operative society" determines whether the term "scope" have to be understood as: supervision and control. The aim of the article is to assess the scope of the co-operative's lustration. Does the above-mentioned regulation meet the expectations of co-operative members in the means of proper control of the activities of co-operatives held within the framework of co-operative organizations and co-operative self-governments? The survey of co-operatives is governed by the provisions of Art. 91-93 and the Act of September 16th 1982 Co-operative Law. Determining the scope of lustration should be based on the justitication of the judgment of the Constitutional Court of July 15th 2009, reference number K 64/07 - the concept of supervision. According to the applicable legislation, inspection associations conduct lustration in their associated co-operatives. Non-commissioned cooperatives outsource lustration to a selected audit union or National Co-operative Council. Neither the audit unions nor the International Co-operative Alliance do not supervise co-operatives. Excluding the discussion of issues presented in art. 93a Co-Op.Law. it is recognized that the scope of lustration of the co-operative is reduced to supervision and it is difficult to be considered in the category of supervision of co-operatives. As far as shaping of future solutions is concerned, the author is not in favor of public supervision over co-operatives (a separate issue is supervision over co-operative banks and co-operative savings and credit unions). The purpose of changes in Art. 93a Co-Op.Law. is to establish a real control by the public administration over the way public housing is managed by granting the Minister for construction, local planning and land management, the obligation to supervise the co-operative public funds.


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