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Vol. 6 (2013)


The History of the Oldest University in North America

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2013-12-31


In 2013 is celebrated 460th anniversary of the establishment of the first university in New Spain - Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico (Real y Pontificia Universidad de México). In 2010 was celebrated the hundredth anniversary of the establishment of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, while in 2012 was celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of regeneration of Universidad Pontificia de México, which are considered to be continuators of the first university funded in North American continent and the third in Latin America. The anniversary events indicated in the Introduction and using by the Authar the achievements of the first (chronologically) university in North America, drew attention to its history and present-day status. In the first part, the Authar presented the circumstances in which Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico (in the years 1553-1821) came into being and its organization, after declaring independence of the Pontifical and National University of Mexico (1821-1865), and eventful history connected with political struggle in the country, up to closure in 1865. Initiatives of the regeneration of the university Ied to the formation of independent institutions - state (1910- ) and church (1896-1931), however policy and civil war decided church institution's fate. In the last part of the article church and state status of the Pontifical University revived in 1982 was presented. A separate article will be devoted to wark and research within the scope of law at the presented universities.


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