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Vol. 10 (2017)


Associations of Ibero-American Schools and Faculties of Law in the Globalization Context

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2017-12-31


In 1960 a t universities all over the world were educated 1 3 milion people, in 2005 ten times more - 137 milion, including about 12 milion in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Higher education in the American continent dates back to 1538. At the present time, its institutions are face the opportunities which globalization offers, but sometimes face threats that globalization also offers. For answers to the challenges of the globalization, according to the strategic education programmes, universities and faculties cooperate also in formalized unions, associations, networks, etc. The Union of Universities of Latin America (La Unión de Universidades de América Latina) is the most numerous, exists since September 1949, and for years recognized by UNESCO as a regional consultative and advisory body. Formalized cooperation has faculties and schools of law has existed for twenty years in the Association of Faculties, Schools and Institutes of Law of Latin America (Asociación de Facultades, Escuelas e Institutos de Derecho de América Latina). A new association has been operating for 5 years - "Sui luris" - the lbero-American Association of Faculties and Schools of Law (Sui luris. Asociación lberomaericana de Facultades y Escuelas de Derecho) based in Madrid. After presenting these associations, the author notes that they have a regional character and they are realized in a close cultural environment which facilitates their cooperation. He stresses however that awareness of the existance of cooperation, studying selected solutions can also inspire or help us in realization of already undertaken plans, and at the same time releasing from preception (and maybe even shaping) of the reform process as tool of elimination, rivalry, "the struggle for existence".


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