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Vol. 5 (2012)


Public Administration as a Subject of the Research of Administration Science

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2012-12-31


Public administration can be analyzed from the point of view of many fields of knowledge. First of all, public administration is in the area of social sciences, in particular in two of them: law science and sciences of administration. In the article the Author presents administration science as a general administration theory. This science focuses on general theory of systems, particularly: mission of the public administration or public administration contacts with its surroundings. Research concerns on the position and behavior the participants of the organization and in consequence - public administration system. Then the Author focuses on the application of the system attitude in administration science. This application can contribute to formulate the idea of the research in to the administrative reality and create own system of the research definitions. The Author presents the office from the administration science point of view.


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