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Vol. 1 (2008)


Offences against Family in Penal Code of the Kingdom of Poland of 1818 and in the Code of Main and Correctional Penalties of 1847

  • Jerzy Markiewicz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2008-12-31


The study comprises an introduction, main body, and a conclusion. The introductory part presents the issue of the Penal Code of the Kingdom of Poland, enacted by the Parliament on 16th April, 1818, which was the first penal code in the Polish history to be later abrogated by a Tsar Decree, on 1st January, 1847, which introduced the Code of Capital and Correctional Penalties. The author discusses the principles underlying the nature of crime, punishment, responsibility, and system of penalties which is to act as a deterrent, vested in those Codes. The article presents the state of research, sources and literature of the subject, as well as the aim of the study. The article is composed of four parts. They deal with the subject matter of offences against life, matrimony and parental authority, sexual offences, and others. The discussed offences against life include: patricide, killing of a family member, killing of a pregnant woman, infanticide, abortion, abandonment of child, and suicide. The part that deals with offences against matrimony covers three spheres of offences and misdemeanours, often closely linked with the civil norms of marital law: punishable violation of essential conditions of entering into marriage, punishable violation of legal impediments to marriage, criminal responsibility of parents, guardians and priests for the violation of legal impediments to marriage, and the abuse of marital rights and obligations, as well as sexual offences against family. Sexual offences include adultery, incest, prostitution among cousins and misdemeanours resulting from seduction. The last part of the article deals with offences against parental authority, guardian’s authority and wardship, listing different types of abuse of parental, guardian’s and warden’s authority, offences committed by children against their parents, and abuse of authority by guardians and wardens. The author points out fundamental differences and similarities of legal solutions and institutions of penal law as provided for in both Codes. The conclusion contains a synthetic evaluation and analysis of the issues in focus.


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