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Vol. 17 No. 2 (2024)


State’s Resilience to Critical Infrastructure Threats: the Example of the Russian War on Ukraine

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-12-23


The security environment is increasingly complex and uncertain today. This directly impacts the directions of Poland’s national security transformation, especially the country’s resilience to hybrid threats and war. One such area is threats facing critical infrastructure, facilities of strategic importance as well as services critical to state security and citizens. The article aims to present the way of understanding and building the state’s resilience based on the current legislation on the protection of critical infrastructure against hybrid threats and war, based on the example of Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine. The following research question was posed: Does the current legislation defining the tasks of state and private entities responsible for the protection of facilities, equipment, services of so-called critical infrastructure and the adopted system solutions correspond to modern threats? Our study highlights inconsistencies and gaps in the current legislation on the state’s resilience to hybrid threats and war.


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