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Tom 24 Nr 1 (2016)

Teologia dogmatyczna i biblijna

Der Begriff Selbstmitteilung Gottes in Karl Rahners Theologie

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 15.11.2019


Karl Rahner has influenced 20th century theology through his conception of God’s self-communication. Commencing with his first publications, Rahner converses his idea of God’s self-communication to mankind. The questions and fears of the II. World War – stricken society forced – motivated him to reflect over the relationship between God and mankind. Grounded in the creation of the world by God, he came to the conclusion: God gives himself perpetually. Every personally received revelation is a self-gift from God. He focusses on two relevant forms of self-communication: first of all, God became human in Jesus Christ. God steps out of himself (innertrinitarien relationship) into the world (self-communication or self-alienation from God). Second, through God’s grace is mankind (the human being) capable ofperceiving and accepting God’s devotion. Rahners concept of God’s self-communication was a life-long endeavor. He led theological thinking and manner-of-speech back to an immediate encounter and to unique personal love.


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