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Vol. 31 No. 1 (2023)

Pastoral theology

A Multitude of Theories on the Epiclesis in the Hispanic-Mozarabic Rite

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-08-19


This article aims to present, in the form of a specific status quaestionis, the most important studies and opinions concerning the epiclesis of anaphora in the Mozarabic rite. Due to the fact that those opinions differ considerably from each other, often being even contradictory to each other, the aim of the text also includes the analysis of the methodology of the studies, since they give such different inferences. The final conclusion of the article will be determined by the definition and theology of Hispanic epicleses based on the analysis of the Post Pridie oration included in the Mozarabic missal. It seems that earlier researchers failed to recognise the specificity of the Hispanic epiclesis; they assumed apriori a certain definition of epiclesis, looking for prayers in the Missal that match this definition. Through this methodological change it is possible to show that almost each Hispanic anaphora has a real epiclesis which tends to be a Trinitarian or a Christological epiclesis; only in some cases it is a pneumatological epiclesis. The fact that the epiclesis of the Holy Spirit is not always included in those Hispanic prayers confirms their ancient origin. Nevertheless, it is also possible to prove the thesis that liturgy shaped under the influence of conflicts with the Arian heresy is not only Christocentric, but it also has an enriched euchology in in terms of pneumatology. Moreover, the author of this article questions some schematic claims related to Prenotandos to the new Hispanic missal which suggest a perfect, well-ordered structure of Eucharistic prayers in this rite. The studies on the anaphora of the Mozarabic rite contradict the existence of such a consistent structure built on the close relationship between the words of the institution of the Eucharist, the anamnesis and the epiclesis.


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