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Vol. 18 No. 20 (2) (2023)


Religious Freedom in the Slovak Republic and its Limitations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-12-01


Slovakia is one of the countries whose legal provisions guarantee the implementation of the right to freedom of conscience and religion. The catalogue of sources of Slovak religious law includes e.g. the following legal acts: the Constitution of 1992, the principal agreement, called the concordat, between the Holy See and the Slovak Republic of 2000, the partial agreement with the Holy See of 2002 on the pastoral care of Catholic faithful in the armed forces and law enforcement services, the partial agreement with the Holy See of 2004 on Catholic upbringing and education, the act of 1991 on freedom of religion, status of churches and religious associations or the Act of 2019 on financial support for the activities of churches and religious organisations. The Slovak Republic recognises the legal personality of 18 registered churches and religious communities. More than 60% of the Slovak community is Catholic. The main source of funding for religious associations recognised by the state are funds received from the state budget, which from 1 January 2020 are granted depending on the number of believers declaring their affiliation to a given religious community during the general population census. Due to high inflation caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic, some of the Slovak clergy live below the minimum wage. The appeal of the Slovak bishops to increase financial outlays in 2022 to the Minister of Culture, which is the registration authority for religious communities, was not met with a positive response. The Slovak government’s strict solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic strongly limited the possibility of the clergy to sustain their income flow. The inability to celebrate Masses due to the closure of churches and other places of worship resulted in a decrease in the income of priests. Slovakia was the first European country to ban public religious worship twice. The faithful could only participate in the Holy Mass remotely, and yet the Eucharist is the centre of Christian life. Unfortunately, the appeals of the clergy to the state authorities to change the restrictive sanitary regulations were not recognised.


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