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Tom 21 Nr 24 (2011)


Przygotowanie i kwalifikowanie do małżeństwa oraz właściwe rozpoznawanie spraw o nieważność małżeństwa w przemówieniu Benedykta XVI do Roty Rzymskiej z 22 I 2011 roku

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 30.06.2011


The Pope Benedict XVI in his allocution on the 22nd January 2011 to the officials of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota responded to two points: 1) the preparation and authorization to marriage, 2) a proper identifying cases of invalid marriages. He ordered to pay attention to legal nature of preparation to the marriage. Marriage is a legal union between a man and a woman, from which there are specific commitments. So preparing for it must be more thorough, reliable and responsible. According to the Pope, a proper canon preparation by pastors can prevent invalid marriages.


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