The statement of can. 1055 § 1 CIC/83, that by its very nature marriage is directed towards begetting offspring means that spouses are bound by a serious duty to society to preserve the essence and nature of the relationship. No wonder that the mutual transfer and acceptance of rights and obligations between the spouses implies that they undertake acts aimed at procreation. Although ordinatio ad prolem belongs to the essence of marriage (it is an essential element of marriage), failure to achieve this goal in a marriage does not invalidate it, nor does it suspend its validity until the child is conceived. We cannot speak of the right to a child (ius in prolem), but only the right to acts open to the conception of a child (ius ad actus per se aptos ad prolis generationem).
The consequence of the natural orientation of marriage towards the birth of offspring is the nullity of this union in the event of exclusion by either of the parties – by a positive act of will – ordinatio ad prolem (can. 1101 § 2 CIC/83); this nullity comes from natural law.
Referring to the latest jurisprudence of the Roman Rota, the Author discusses in turn: the legal content of the concept of bonum prolis, a positive act of will excluding bonum prolis, forms and methods of making such exclusion, the distinction between the exclusion of the law itself (ipsum ius) to marriage acts open to procreation and the exclusion of the use of this right (usus iuris) and the method of proving the exclusion of bonum prolis.
An analysis of the contemporary jurisprudence of the Roman Rota shows that cases conducted in the exclusion of bonum prolis require both a good knowledge of the principles and presumptions developed by this Tribunal, and the particular insight of a judge.
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