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Vol. 31 No. 34 (2021)


Examination of Witnesses outside the Seat of the Tribunal in the Light of Can. 1558 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2021-06-30


Can. 1558 CIC/83 states that the seat of the tribunal is the main place for examination the witnesses. However, the opposite possibilities are allowed if the judge decides otherwise. The cardinals, patriarchs, bishops and persons who enjoy similar facilities under the laws of their own country may choose their own place of testimony. On the other hand, the judge decides about the place of the hearings when the matter concerns the sick or those who, due to distance or other obstacles, experience the inability or difficulty to come to the court. In the contents of can. 1558 CIC/83 we can see the historical continuity of the adopted solution. The legal and church solution to a large extent, though not completely, coincides with the Roman and legal-state solution. The article consists of two parts. In the first one, the Author discusses the contents of the canon concerning the place of hearing the witnesses when they have to testify outside the court, in the second one, he looks for the reasons for such a canon and perceives it in rationality, effectiveness, awareness of the social privileges of people holding high dignities, their autonomy, and the will to minimize their interference with everyday duties, but also sensitivity to the needs of the sick and the poor.


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