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Vol. 30 No. 33 (2020)


Consequences of the Convergence of the Rules and Norms of the Canonical Marriage Law with the Polish Family Law and the Differences Between Them

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-06-30


Even just a cursory glance at the issues raised in the paper shows that the project’s objective, included in the topic, has essentially been achieved. Taking as the subject of analyses and comparisons the complex problem of two institutions: marriage and family, in two legal systems – the state and the Church – it was necessary to bring out those essential constitutive elements and aspects which would make it possible to show: the convergence and differences in dispositions in the two legal systems, in order to indicate the practical advantages and disadvantages for married couples and families, consisting especially of persons of different religious and social provenance. Ending the reflection on such a rich and complex problem, it is necessary to refer, bearing in mind the postulate of natural law, to the famous rule, according to which “Quod omnes tangit ab omnibus approbari debet” [Uruszczak 2017, 492].


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