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Vol. 1 No. 3–4 (2022)


Health well-being of convicts and the effective-ness and efficiency of punishment

  • Monika Wolińska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-10-10


The penitentiary institution is not a creation of modern times. Nor is it a one-dimensional creation; the principles and models of operation used in it have undergone significant modifications over time. However, the prison itself has survived, as has society's reliance on imprisonment as a means of social control. We rely on imprisonment while remaining blind to the falsity of our assumptions about its role and effectiveness: „Imprisonment rarely improves anyone, it has already corrupted many to the ground”. It is difficult to hold penitentiary institutions responsible for this state of affairs. Rather, it is the inadequacy of the methods and means of influence used there to meet the individual needs of the inmates that makes imprisonment infrequently prevent recidivism and degradation of behavior in a deviant direction. The reflection presented in the article focuses on the health well-being of the incarcerated as a category that affects their ability to successfully desist from crime. Previous research suggests that the relationship between incarceration and do-brotherhood is complex and linked to a number of variables. They also indicate that imprisonment is an inherently debilitating experience. Therefore, imprisonment should always be an instrument of last resort, used only when other forms cannot be used to provide a person with such goods as „correction”, „inclusion” and „restoration”.


[1] J. Makarewicz, Kodeks karny z komentarzem, Lwów 1938, s. 42.


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