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Vol. 1 No. 24 XI 2022 (2022): Ławnik, sędzia pokoju, ława przysięgłych – społeczeństwo w wymiarze sprawiedliwości


Development of the European movement of associations of social judges

  • Piotr Juchacz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-10-10


The article starts with analysing citizen participation in the administration of justice as a fundamental principle of a democratic rule of law and a fundamental political right of citizens. Afterwards, the four phases of the development of associations of lay judges in Europe (1920–2022) are presented, followed by the history of the establishment and development of the European Network of Associations of Lay Judges (ENALJ) from 2012–2022, as well as the primary goals and activities undertaken by the association. The next part of the article presents two selected postulates formulated by the community of lay judges in Europe: the participation of one representative of lay judges in national judicial councils and the reform of the training system for lay judges. Each of the postulates is referred to the context of the Polish judiciary. In conclusion, the cooperation of European associations of lay judges is analysed in the context of the challenges, threats, but also expectations facing it.


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