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Vol. 1 No. 24 XI 2022 (2022): Ławnik, sędzia pokoju, ława przysięgłych – społeczeństwo w wymiarze sprawiedliwości


Magistrates in presidential bill

  • Dariusz Dudek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-10-10


The subject of the study is the draft Act on the Courts of the Peace introduced by the President of the Republic of Poland on November 4, 2021, which is currently (along with other drafts on the same subject) the subject of legislative works in the Sejm. At the beginning, the author discusses the concept presented by the Ministry of Justice, based on the premise of the need for a prior amendment to the Constitution as a condition for the legal appointment of courts (judges) of the peace; the author presents a different view. The analysis of the presidential project is made through the prism of not only the regulation, but also its justification, showing the ratio legis of establishing the judiciary of the peace and the essence of the proposed solution, based on the fulfillment of binding constitutional standards, regarding the judiciary. It characterizes in more detail the model of universal elections and subsequent appointment of justices of the peace (by the President at the request of the National Council of the Judiciary) and the essential features of the status of these judges, including their rights and duties, or the cognition area (votum). In addition, it shows the financial effects of the proposed regulation for the state budget expected by the applicant and the assumed positive social effects. In conclusion, recalling the basic assumptions of the President's project, the author estimates that if the concept of establishing courts and appointing justices of the peace has a chance of success in the legislative procedure in the parliament, then it may then bring a new social value to the functioning of the Polish judiciary in constitutional practice.


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