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Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023)


Victims of crime against the natural home

  • Andrzej Bałandynowicz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-08-07


For such a rich issue as economic crime, including crime against the natural home, it is not enough just to adapt various theoretical constructs, a confrontation of diverse interpretations of the phenomenon is also required. The fundamental issues to be investigated are: a) the causes and ways of establishing laws, b) the causes and ways of violating them, c) the scope and overlapping
areas of activity of justice and control authorities. At the heart of these three issues is the question of authority – legitimacy for the legislature, for the people involved in the economy and for the actions of coercive bodies. As the world faces a growing threat of climatic change, more and more people are becoming victims of crimes against the natural home. The author points to
children and adolescents as the groups most at risk of such crime.


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