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Vol. 1 No. 7 (2023)


Professional training of judges in the times of the Duchy of Warsaw

  • Robert Kucharski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-10-10


The introduction of the Napoleonic Code in Poland required changing the system of educating judges into a fully professional one. The emergence of new legal institutions required professional preparation of judges in the interpretation and application of civil, commercial, administrative, criminal and property law. The article presents an outline of the new system of educating judges and judiciary staff in the times of the Duchy of Warsaw. The new regulations on the functioning of the training of judges introduced at the beginning of the 19th century, although in force for a relatively short time, shaped the institutions and practice of becoming a judge for a long time, and in essence they function until now. The introduction of new solutions in the field of the judiciary was associated with a change in the approach to the education of judges and the method of training judges in the times of the Duchy of Warsaw. The scope of the study also covers the role played by the father of the Polish judiciary, Minister of Justice Feliks Łubieński, in the process of strenuous efforts to organize a professional system of educating judges and the judiciary


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