The current internal (domestic) law of this religious association encompasses a number of complex issues; these include biblical teachings, procedures of conduct adopted by the Governing Body, guidelines of this Governing Body – contained in letters, publi-
cations and verbally transmitted orders – as well as guidelines of the Branch Committee that fall within the authority of this body. Thus, the internal law, together with its sources, has a very broad scope – which for those outside the community of believers
can pose problems of interpretation. Information provided by the Governing Body and Branch Committees can be found in periodic publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses, such as “Watchtower” and “Awake!”. Polish state law includes many norms protecting freedom of religion, including that of the confession. Nevertheless, there is sometimes a confluence of norms of a religious association and state law – which happens to have to be evaluated and decided by a common court, taking into account, among other things, international and constitutional norms in Poland.