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№ 13 (2019)


Sephardim and their language: Judeo-Spanish or Ladino?

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25312/2391-5137.13/2019_01jdc  [Google Scholar]
Опубликован: 2020-03-25


The aim of this work is to describe the most relevant features of the languages spoken by the Sephardic Jews, focusing on Judeo-Spanish and Ladino. These two languages have been treated as a single language, even though Judeo-Spanish was a day-to-day communication language, and Ladino a calque-language used to translate religious texts from Hebrew during the 16th and 17th centuries. A brief overview of Sephardim historical background is necessary in order to understand who the Sephardim are, the development of their language and literature, and to discuss anything related to them.

Библиографические ссылки

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