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No. 17 (2018)

Teologia praktyczna

The Issue of Suffering in Preaching a Homily

Published: 2018-12-29


A suffering person can rediscover their dignity and inner strength only in the light of the mystery of Christ. Therefore, the basic purpose of a homily devoted to the topic of suffering is to renew the mystery of Christ in such a way that it can once again become “an event” in the life of a liturgical gathering participant. To achieve this goal, the homilist should first describe the experience of suffering in order to free the suffering person from the sense of loneliness and misunderstanding. Only then will he be able to help the sufferer understand the meaning of his experience. To this end, the homilist must appeal to Christ’s mystery, especially to his Passover. He will then lead the sufferer to a personal encounter with Christ in the Eucharist so that they can experience the grace of the Lord, who “took up our infirmities and bore our diseases” (Mt 8:17). In this way, a preacher will make believers aware that the Christian lifestyle of a suffering person is not only the result of his or her efforts but their response to God’s gift. It is only in this perspective that a homily will be a call to imitate the suffering Jesus.


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