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No. 17 (2018)


Religious Issues in German Rural By-laws (Willkür) in Poland

Published: 2019-01-03


The main topic of the article are religious issues in selected German rural by-laws, established in the 17th and 18th centuries in the northern Polish area once covered by the German settlement, which started in the Eastern part of it already during the reign of Charlemagne and Otton I. What is also interesting, it was not only Germans who colonized the East, but also other nations, like the Dutch forming the so-called Olęder villages, organized differently from the German settlement. The central idea of the publication, however, is the presence of topics related to God and the Church in the documents regulating the organization of life in a village. The paper also points to the attributes of God and Catholic saints as well as the areas of their activity as presented in particular passages of the by-laws, addressing particular issues concerning the community’s life.


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