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No. 17 (2018)

Teologia systematyczna

Jesus Christ, Son of God, in the Teaching of the Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith

Published: 2018-12-29


The Lord Jesus Christ is the central person in the teaching of the Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith. It is based on the precept solus Christus that states that Jesus is the only mediator between men and God. Everything we as Christians get from God is in the name of the Lord Jesus. Timelessness of the Son of God is underlined, which means that there was no time when He did not exist. Begotten, but not created: He is the beginning and the end of all of God`s creation. Jesus’ name is I Am: this fact makes him equal to God the Father and the same honour is assigned to him. During our services we focus on worshipping the
name of the Lord Jesus. Christ is our Lord, the owner and the ruler of all the people. This last confession is probably the most frequent among believers of the Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith.


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