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No. 16 (2017)

Teologia praktyczna

Biblical Foundations of Ministry of the Word according to Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict XVI

Published: 2017-12-20


The Word of God is the wisdom given to us, thanks to which we can build our life on stable foundations. We reach for the Bible and draw what is the best in order to understand the fundaments of the service of the Word of God. The Bible is a Book about God and the Book from God.
The paper discusses the biblical foundations of the Word and presents evidence for the fact that the Bible gives knowledge about the source, the origin of the Word. The first part of the paper discusses the power of God manifested by the Word of God which is a testimony to the extraordinary richness of the Word: eternal and omnipotent, unquestionable, with creative power. Speaking of the Voice of God, it is impossible not to recall the prophets and apostles whose prophecies always come true. The second part of the paper refers
to those who have been sent to become mediators, preachers of the word and divine action in history.
The Bible is by far the most popular book in the world, because it contains simple and direct message about the foundations of the ministry of the Word of God. Its great authority and power come precisely from the fact that it is the Word of God, and thus constitutes the foundation of the ministry of the word. Reading the Bible with an open mind provides the basis for understanding the beginning of the word.


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