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Vol. 125 (2016): Our Past


Tradition, custom, superstition, prophecy, gossip at the Luxembourg court in the years 1292-1342

  • Maksymilian Kuśka
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2016-06-30


Despite the progress of academic sciences, especially in the area of theology, everyday life in the late Middle Ages abounded in many events based on rich, but ancient, traditions and customs. Many superstitions have to be also taken into account, as they were deeply rooted in respective social layers. It also concerned the gentry as well as princely and royal families. It was so at the Louxemburg court in the first half of the 14th century. Traces of contemporary traditions, customs, superstitions, prophecies or common gossip can be often found in the most important source materials originating in the lands of the Crown of St Wenceslas in those times. From the sources used in the research the most important seems to be the autobiography of emperor Charles IV, which shows in a direct way the views of the ruler on various events, also those considered to be of supernatural or divine origin. Numerous traditions connected with everyday life and unique events at the royal and imperial court have also been presented as well as diplomatic efforts of contemporary diplomats representing the most important ruling houses in Europe.



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