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Vol. 129 (2018): Nasza Przeszłość


Attempt at identifying names "Bronyk" and "Brysk" in relation to the intervening of Brandenburgian graf Zygmunt Luksemburski against Bartosz from Odolanów in 1381-1382

  • Grzegorz Jacek Brzustowicz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2018-06-30


In 1381 Polish and Hungarian king Louis the Hungarian ordered Zygmunt Luksemburski, who was a Branderburgian graf and a candidate to the Polish throne, to organize an armed excursion against an opponent of future power of the graf in Poland. This adversary was the starosta of Kujawy Bartosz Wanzenborg from Odolanów. The pretext for organizing this military excursion was the fact that Bartosz had plundered the vicinity of the castle in Odolanów and took some French knights prisoners who were heading to Prussia on a crusade. The actions against Bartosz Wanzenborg were taken in autumn 1381. It was then put on hold for almost a year until summer 1382. During two stays of the Branderburgian graf with his army on the territory of Polish Kingdom the army visited towns, the names of which were distorted in his office. For historians it was a cause of difficulties in identifying them. The town in question is “Bronik” where the graf stayed on the 27th of October 1381 and “Brysk” in which he stopped on the 31st of August 1382. After referring to basic historical facts in this topis and applying the method of the source writings’ analysis as well as the analysis of the graf’s march rout, the author identifies both names with towns lying in Wielkopolska. New identification of these names makes it possible to better understand the activities of graf Zygmunt in Poland in 1381-1382.


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