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Vol. 129 (2018): Nasza Przeszłość


Location of Zakliczyn on the river Dunajec in 1558

  • Przemysław Nowogórski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2018-06-30


On the 13th of June, Wawrzyniec Spytek Jordan, an important dignitary from the epoch of Sigismund August and owner of goods in Melsztyn validated a location document in the castle of Molsztyn for a new town by the name of Zakliczyn on the river Dunajec. It was situated at the site of an older village probably dating back to the end of XI or the beginning of XII century and belonging to the abbey in Tyniec. First it was called Dunaviz, then Opatkowice, and was mentioned in Middle Ages sources. It was an important fair village, situated on an intensely frequented trade rout. Zakliczyn proved a serious rival for other towns, such as Czchów. In 1557, Wawrzyniec Spytek Jordan with the consent of king Sigismund August exchanged a few of his villages with the then-abbot of Tyniec Wojciech Baranowski for three abbot’s villages, among others Opatkowice. In the following year he founded a new town whose name harked back to his family village of Jordanów in the vicinity of Myślenice. Until the middle of XVII century, Zakliczyn on the river Dunajec developed prosperously. However, the “Deluge” put an end to this development.


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