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Vol. 127 (2017): Nasza Przeszłość


The inspection report of the thirteen cities (1773) as a contribution to the research on religious situation of old Scepusium (Spiš)

  • Maria Kazimiera Staniszewska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2017-06-30


Historically, the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland (later the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) and Kingdom of Hungary shared very complicated realations during the Middle Ages and Early Modern period. This specific neighbourhood can be especially visible in the case of Spiš (Scepusium), in the years 1412-1772 divided between both countries. The article presents the selected information from the inspection report conducted by Paul Tiszta, ordered by Hungarian authority after the liquidation of the Scepusian capitaneatus (starostwo). Written in 1773, the document provides many records on the situation of thirteen cities, which not much earlier had been under the Polish administration. Besides showing the political and economical background of everyday life, it presents the information important for researchers interested in both Scepusian religious life and local art, concerning: number of Catholics and Lutherans, provenience and education of local parsons and ministers, condition of the church building and – almost absent in the previous literature – records on the Lutheran oratories in the cities of capitaneatus, build with the consent of Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski. In this report, Scepusian cities are presented as the religiously diverse territory which inhabitants manifested complex approach to the issue of their identity and local tradition.


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