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Vol. 117 (2012): Our Past


Activity of Jesuits schools in Pułtusk in the 16th-18th centuries . Formation of the Jesuit College in Pułtusk

  • Radosław Lolo
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2012-06-30


It seems that the factor which fundamentally changes the perception both of the demography of Pułtusk in the 17th century and the changes in the range of the local market could be – as suggested by K. Wiśniewski – the formation and development of the Jesuit college. Almost since its very beginnings it was relatively numerous in proportion to the number of Pułtusk’s residents. In 1573 it had 361 students (that is 1:10 in proportion to the residents), in 1592 over 600 (1:5.8), in 1610 over 800 (at least 1:6 in view of the decrease in the number of residents!). However, at the very end of the 17th century, in 1696, the college had 900 students, which – taking into consideration a decrease in population – could lead to 1:1 proportion! It is worth pointing out that the decline in importance of Pułtusk as the wheat trade center coincides chronologically with the formation and development of the college. Market transformations and changes in the directions of guild formation may be connected with the requirement for providing food and essential consumer goods for a great number of college students.


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