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Vol. 107 (2007): Our Past


Church foundations of Tadeusz Polaczek-Kornecki

  • Barbara Ostafin
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2007-06-30


The year 1933 was tragic for Tadeusz Polaczek-Komecki and his family, because they lost their beloved wife and mother, Janina. Tadeusz, unable to come to terms with her loss, visited her grave at the Rakowicki cemetery every day. He became friends with the cemetery chaplain, who helped him maintain his faith. Tadeusz founded a marble epitaph with a portrait of his wife in the cemetery chapel and a stained glass window in St. Mary's Church. After his wife's death, Tadeusz became involved in various church foundations. He renovated the chapel of St. Lazarus in St. Mary's Church, he founded an epitaph plaque and a stained glass window. He was also appointed to the Church Council of the parish of St. Salwator. In 1936, he began the construction of a church in Czyżyny and founded a mass epitaph plaque for his wife. He also received the title of honorary citizen of the Mogyła commune. Tadeusz continued his foundation activities, funding, among others: stained glass window for the church of St. Stephen in Krakow and renovation of the chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary in Lanckorona. He also supported those in need by providing free tickets and loans. During the occupation, Tadeusz continued to provide help, cooperating with the Main Welfare Council and helping people at risk of being deported to work in the Reich. His activities were interrupted by his arrest in 1942, but most of his foundation survived and continues to testify to his generosity.


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