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Vol. 111 (2009): Our Past


The foundation and material base of the order and hospital of the Brothers Hospitallers in Nowogródek

  • Helena Komaryńska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2009-06-30


The Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God - the Hospitaller Brothers - was founded in the 16th century to care for and treat the sick and poor. The Hospitallers care took into account both the physical and spiritual health of the patients. The first monastery of the Brothers of Mercy in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was founded in 1609 in Krakow. It was the mother monastery for the Polish-Lithuanian province of religious Hospitallers founded in 1633. The greatest flourishing of the orders in the country occurred in the first half of the 17th century. Among the monasteries founded in 1649 was the convent and hospital of the Brothers Hospitallers in Nowogródek. Its founder, the Vice-Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Kazimierz Leon Sapieha, in addition to bequeathing his estates to him in his will, willingly built and equipped the hospital. For this purpose, he built and equipped a chapel, and also provided the hospital with a doctor, a barber surgeon and a pharmacist, to whom he was to pay an annual salary. At the time, this was quite a progressive step, as public health in the pre-partition period left much to be desired. There was a shortage of qualified doctors in the country, and specialized medical assistance was reserved for the wealthiest members of society. The existence of hospitals was dependent on financial resources. Hospitals in old Poland differed in terms of equipment. Provincial, religious and military hospitals received regular income. However, parish hospitals did not have any funds and were supported by alms. Hospitals had several sources of income, including: from agriculture, business activities, property rents, interest on capital and alms. The main source of income for the hospital of the Hospital Brothers in Nowogródek was a commission from capital.


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