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Vol. 106 (2006): Our Past


The cult of St Michael the Archangel in the Latin diocese in Przemyśl in the 14th-18th centuries

  • Roman Pelczar
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2006-12-30


The cult of St Michael the Archangel originated in the East at the time of early Christianity and later spread to Western Europe. In Poland it appeared soon after the adoption of Christianity. In the Latin diocese of Przemyśl, the cult spread even after its foundation (14th century). One of the forms of worship was the invocation of parish and monastery churches. Before the Partition there were 14 parish churches under the invocation of St Michael (4 in towns and 10 in the countryside) and 3 monastery churches. There were also branch churches and public chapels dedicated to St Michael the Archangel. Altars (main and side altars) in churches and chapels were also dedicated to St Michael the Archangel. In iconographic works, the person of St. Michael the Archangel was represented in various ways. Mostly in the form of paintings, less often in the form of sculptures, bas-reliefs or murals. Church bells were also dedicated to him. Various professional groups adopted him as their patron saint. In the diocese of Przemyśl, the feast of St Michael the Archangel (29 September) has been observed since 1415. In the popular tradition there were proverbs and customs associated with this saint. St Michael's Day often appeared in legal and financial contracts and obligations. A manifestation of the cult was the popularisation of the name Michael, as well as the choice of place names referring to this name. Representations of Saint Michael were found on the coats of arms of towns in the region.


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